

These are charities that Tom's Trust has supported in the past.

Past Projects supported by Tom's Trust

Art Against Knives

Early intervention to stop young people becoming victims or perpetrators of crime.

Buttle UK

Bursaries for children in desperate need of help with their education.

Camden Spear Trust

Helping disadvantaged young people find employment and training.

The Boxing Academy

Provides education to hard-to-reach teenagers, realised through the discipline of boxing.

Future Skills Training

Trains young people with problems for life after school.

Greenhouse Sports Football Club

Provides discipline, training & learning to be part of a team, for all comers and abilities, boys & girls.

Hope UK

Works to prevent drug & alcohol related harm to children & young people.

The Ideas Foundation

An educational program to help students be creative.

Into University

Opening the door to University by providing structured help with homework and careers.

Live Futures

Mentors and trains young people to work in the world of media, IT and advertising.

Local Employment Access Projects (LEAP)

Helps young people into employment.


Teaches teenagers skills such as carpentry, mechanics and hairdressing.

Me! No-Way! Trust

Helps to raise awareness amongst young people, aged 8 to 18, about the causes, consequences, penalties and impact of crime.

The OK Club

A Youth Club based in South Kilburn.

Reach Out

Mentors children in disadvantaged communities.

Real Action - The Butterfly Saturday Reading School

Learning to read and write well, through the Butterfly Literacy scheme.


A resident organisation based at the South Bank Centre, delivering youth-led programmes for local young people.

SHINE (Support and Help in Education)

Runs Saturday morning classes to help children with school work.

Skilltrain - MC Rapagram

Helped fight gang culture. This charity has since closed.

Springfield Community Flat

Support for a Youth Worker working in and around Springfield Estate - one of the most deprived areas in inner city multi-ethnic Lambeth.

Toynbee Hall

Support for their Youth Activism Project "When We Speak", a programme for young people in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham.

WAVE (Worldwide Alternatives to ViolencE)

Teaches empathy and parenting to young people.

Westside School

A special school for excluded teenagers.